Athletes are expected and need to train consistently in order to master techniques, improve fitness and stamina as well as to build team spirit. Training sessions are an important part of the clubs social life as well as being a time for athletes and coaching staff to get to know each other, learn to trust each other and have fun whilst showing committment.

We have winter and summer training schedules as follows.

Summer: April – September
Tuesday evening 7.00 – 8.30pm   Year 6 and over
Thursday evening  6.30 – 8.00pm  Year 3 to Year 7
Thursday evening 7.00 – 8.30pm Year 7 and above

Winter: October – March
Tuesday evening (outdoor) 7.00 – 8.30pm Year 7 and above at Stefen Hill Sports Centre
Thursday evening (outdoor) 7.00 – 8.30pm Year 7 and above at Stefen Hill Sports Centre
Wednesday evening (indoor circuit training)  7.00 – 8.00pm Year 3 to Year 7 at Randolph Building, Ashby Road, Daventry

Additional training country park cross country, hill running etc. can also be arranged by request.

Club Coaches
Trish Thorp – Middle distance/ sprints
Diane Clarke – Long jump/triple jump – ph. 01327 879140
John Pedelty – Throws
Josh Schofield  – Middle distance
Barry Fenn –  Young athletes – ph.  01327 879651

Assistant Coaches
James Best

Club Welfare Officers
Trish Thorp
Diane Clarke – ph. 01327 879140

Voluntary Helpers
No experience required, but all help most welcome!