The club is self financing and run entirely by volunteers. To cover costs for insurance, property, equipment, meetings etc. we levy a small charge.

Junior – Year 3 to 5 – £20.00
Junior – Year 6 to leaving full time education – £25.00
Senior – £30.00
Family – £60.00
(due 1st April each year)

Year 3 and above – £3.00 per session (maximum £5.00 per family session for all ages.

Through affiliation the Club has memberships in several leagues. Competition is healthy and the Club encourages and expects athletes to compete as often as they can. Details of travel arrangements to away matches are available the week before the fixture from Team Managers and are on display on the Club notice board. The Club provides free minibus transport to most competitions involving young athletes and also encourages parents to come along to give their support.

Midland League (men and women) – Year 10 and over
Youth Development League Lower Age Group (boys and girls) Year 6 to Year 9
Youth Development League Upper Age Group (boys and girls) Year 10 to Year 13
Heart of England League (boys and girls) Year 4 to year 11

Chiltern League (boys and girls) – Year 4 and over